Wednesday, 27 July 2011


Definition computer system
  • An electronic device or machine working under a set of introtruction, to accept data,process it into meaningful information and store it for future use.
The system unit
  • Case that contains electrnic compenents of the computer used to process data.
The motherboard / system board
  • Main circuit board in system unit.
  • Cointain expaision slots, processor chips, and memory slots.
Compenent inside the system unit
  1. Memory
  2. Processor
  3. Adapter cards :
      • Sound card
      • Video card
  4. Drive bays
  5. Power supply
  • A machine that accept data (input), process it into useful information (output) and store it (in a secondary storage device) for safekeeping or reuse.
  • A set of intruction used to make the computer perform its task.
  • Have two several type of software :
        • System software
        • Application software
  • Data or intructions entered into the memory of computer.
  • Any hardware compenent that allows users to enter data and intructions.
  • Example of input :
      1. Keyboard
      2. Mouse
      3. Digital camera
      4. Scanner
      5. Microphone
      6. Touch screen
      7. Joystick
      8. Bar code scanner

  • Data that has been processed into a useful form.
  • Any hardware compenent that component that can convey information to one or more people.
  • Example of output :
        1. Monitor
        2. Headphone
        3. Speaker
        4. Printer
        5. Plotter
        6. Projector

Storage / secondary storage
  • Hold data, intructions, and information for future use.
  • Storage medium is physical material used for storage.
  • Example of srorage :
          1. Memory card
          2. Thumb disk
          3. CD/DVD
          4. Floppy disk


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