Saturday, 30 July 2011

CHAPTER 3:Application Software

Application sofware

What is application sofware?
  • Programs designed to make user more productive.
 How is sofware diatributed?
  • Packaged software
  • Custom software
  • Web- based software
  • Open source software
  • Shareware
  • Freeware
  • Public –domain software
Word processing

What is word proccesing software?
  • Allow users to creat and manipulated text and graphics
  •  Clip art is a collection that can you can insetin documents.

Spreadsheet software

  •       Organizes data
  •       Perform calculations and recalculates when data change
  •       Charting capabilities
How is a sreadsheet organized?
  •      Columns identified by letters
  •      Rows identified by numbers
  •      A cell the intersection of a column and row
What is the function?
  •     A predefined formula that perform common calculation
                    Eg : B10+B11+B12+B13+B14+B15=SUM(B10:B15)
What is charting?
  •     Allows you to displays speardsheet data in graphical form

Database software

What is database software?
  •  Allows you to craet access,and manage data
  •  Add,change,delete,sort,and retrieve data

Presentation graphic software
  •   Used to creat visual aid for presentation
  •  A presentation is sometimes called a slide show

Graphical user interface

What is a graphical user interface?
  •   User interacts with menus and visual image
  •   Allows you to interact with the software using graphics and visual images
  •   Controls how you enter data instructions and how the screen displays information

Types of operating systems

What is window XP?
  •   Fat,reliable Windows operating system
  •   Available in five editions:
          Home  edition, Professional Edition, Table PC Edition, Media Center Edition and Professional 64- bit Edition

What is Window Vista
  •   Successor to Window XP, containing a new interface and new / enhanced categories

What is Mac OS X? 
  • Available only for computers manufactured by Apple
  •   Macintosh operating systemhas been model for most GUIs

What is UNIX
  •   Used by power users because of its flexibility and power
  •   Most versions offer GUIs
  •   Available for computers of all sizes

What is LINUX?
  •   Popular, free, multitasking UNIX-type operating system
  •   Open-source software code is available to public
  •   Both a stand-alone and a network operating system

Wednesday, 27 July 2011


Definition computer system
  • An electronic device or machine working under a set of introtruction, to accept data,process it into meaningful information and store it for future use.
The system unit
  • Case that contains electrnic compenents of the computer used to process data.
The motherboard / system board
  • Main circuit board in system unit.
  • Cointain expaision slots, processor chips, and memory slots.
Compenent inside the system unit
  1. Memory
  2. Processor
  3. Adapter cards :
      • Sound card
      • Video card
  4. Drive bays
  5. Power supply
  • A machine that accept data (input), process it into useful information (output) and store it (in a secondary storage device) for safekeeping or reuse.
  • A set of intruction used to make the computer perform its task.
  • Have two several type of software :
        • System software
        • Application software
  • Data or intructions entered into the memory of computer.
  • Any hardware compenent that allows users to enter data and intructions.
  • Example of input :
      1. Keyboard
      2. Mouse
      3. Digital camera
      4. Scanner
      5. Microphone
      6. Touch screen
      7. Joystick
      8. Bar code scanner

  • Data that has been processed into a useful form.
  • Any hardware compenent that component that can convey information to one or more people.
  • Example of output :
        1. Monitor
        2. Headphone
        3. Speaker
        4. Printer
        5. Plotter
        6. Projector

Storage / secondary storage
  • Hold data, intructions, and information for future use.
  • Storage medium is physical material used for storage.
  • Example of srorage :
          1. Memory card
          2. Thumb disk
          3. CD/DVD
          4. Floppy disk

Tuesday, 26 July 2011


There is 5 generation of computer, that is:

> First generation (1951-1958, The Vacuum Tube)
       Vacuum tubes were used as the internal computer component. Language used in programming was     mechine language (numbers basically 0 and 1).

> Second generation (1959-1964, The Transitor)
        Developed by three Bell Lab Scientists. J Bardeen, H W Brattain and W Shockley. It’s was move from mechine language to assembly language and also known as symbolic language.

> Third generation (1965-1970, The Integrated Circuit)
       Integrated circuit is a complate electronic circuit on a small chip of silicon and in 1965 it began to replace the transistor in mechines.

> Fourth generation (1971-present, The Microprocessor)
       The general purpose processor on a chip otherwise known as the microprocessor, developed by an Intel Corporation design team haeded by Ted Hoff in 1969, the microprocessor bacame commercially available in 1971.

> Fifth generation ( Onward, Very Large Scale Integrator)
       The term was coined by the Japanese to describe their goal of creating powerful, intelligent computers by the mid 1990 and since then however it has become an ummbrella term encompassing many research fields in the computer industry. Keys areas of ongoing research are artificial intelligence, natural language and expert systems.


There is 4 types of computer, that is:

1) Supercomputers
      The fastest, most powerful, most expensive computer.
      For applications requiring complex mathemathical calculations.

2) Mainframe computer
      Very powerful, expensive computer that supports thounsands of connected users.

3) Minicomputers
      Medium-size companies or departments of large companies typically used them for specific purpose.

4) Microcomputers
     6 types of microcomputer is :

            1. Desktop
                  * PC and compatibles use the Windows operating System
                  * Apple Macintosh usually uses the Macintosh operating system (Mac OS X)
                  * Desingned so all of the components fit on or under a desk or table

            2. Media centre
                  *Dedicate entertainment devices

            3. Notebook 
                  * Portable, small enough to fit on your lap
                  * Also called a laptop computer
                  * Generally more expensive than desktop computers with equal capabilities

            4. Table PC
                  * Resembers a letter-sized slate
                  * Allows to write on the screen using a digital pen
                  * Espacially useful for taking notes

            5. Netbook
                  * Smaller, lighter and less expensive than notebook computers.

            6. Handheld computer
                * Calendar
                * Appoinment book
                * Address book
                * Calculator
                * Notepad
                * Smart phone is an Internet enabled telephone that usually provides PDA capabilities.


1. Software is available for a home user
    a. Personal Finance Management
    b. Web access 
    c. Communications
    d.  Entertainment
2. Software is available for small office/home office (SOHO) user
    a. Productivity software
    b. Specially software
    c. Web usage
    d. E-mail
3. The needs of a power user
    a.  Extremely fast processsors
    b. Types of power users:
         • Engineers
         • Scientists
         • Architects
         • Desktop publisher
         • Graphic artists
4. Computer Applications in society
     a.  Education
     b.  Finance
     c.  Government
     d.  Health care
     e.  Publishing
     f.  Travel
     g.  manufacturing